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Wheat Field

Our supported Missions

Then He said to His disciples, “The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.” -Matthew 9:37-38


The Hamptons

Serving God with MSC Canada, in Europe, and through camp

The Grace Chapel assembly initially commended Ron & Robin to serve the Lord in missions in 1984. Their main areas of service in the Republic of Ireland included evangelism, leading team evangelism, discipling new believers, and church planting. They returned to Canada with their three children in 1996 but have continued to return to Ireland almost annually to encourage and strengthen believers and churches. Winnipeg continues to be their home base.


Ron & Robin are involved in Manitoba in a number of inter-assembly initiatives including Faith Bible Camp, preaching & teaching, and helping to establish the Kildonan Christian Fellowship.


Ron & Robin serve on a volunteer basis with MSC Canada: Ron is on the National Committee; the Prairie Regional Rep; and is the Director of eTeams; both Ron & Robin are WorkerCare team members providing pastoral care for workers from Canada serving across Europe. In addition, Ron is currently being appointed as the Director of a new ministry of MSC Canada: Indigenous Peoples of Canada. This ministry seeks to network existing workers reaching out to Indigenous people in Canada and support them as Global Mission Workers including financially, with training, with dispersing their news, and making contact with prospective workers.

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